
  • Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is primarily classified as a stimulant, owing to its high caffeine content​
  • Stimulant: Guarana seeds contain one of the highest concentrations of caffeine among plants, often containing four to six times more caffeine than coffee beans. This makes guarana an effective stimulant, which can enhance mental alertness, reduce fatigue, and improve cognitive performance. The caffeine in guarana acts on the central nervous system by blocking adenosine receptors, which prevents the onset of drowsiness and promotes arousal.​
  • Nootropic-like Effects: Due to its stimulant properties, guarana can exhibit some nootropic-like effects such as improved memory, enhanced learning, and better cognitive function, particularly in terms of increased alertness and reduced mental fatigue. These effects are primarily attributed to its caffeine content, which can enhance attention and concentration.